No one is more important in the home selling process than you! I have put together some ideas to help you sell your home fast and for top dollar. If you follow these simple tips you will greatly increase the traffic to your home and therefore have more potential buyers.
The first thing you need to do is allow a yard sign on your property. Believe it or not in these internet and social media times buyers will still drive around looking for houses in neighborhoods where they are interested in living. Your neighbors will also have visitors who will see the sign and/or friends who might be just waiting for a home in the same community. Next you must then allow a lockbox on your property for easy access to real estate professionals wishing to show your home.
While your home is on the market make sure it is always in show ready condition. You will often get plenty of notice when a showing will occur, but it is also relatively common for a potential buyer to be driving around and see your home and just have to see it in an hour. Even if you are getting plenty of notice try to be as flexible as possible when you get a call that someone wants to see your home. Buyers will often just go on to the next house if they can’t get in to see yours. With today’s still struggling market and higher inventories you don’t want them to go buy your neighbors home just because they couldn’t get in to see your home.
When you know a showing is scheduled make sure the house is clean and smells fresh. Then turn on all lights and open drapes and blinds. Bright homes show the best. If you have pets either securely pen them up or take them with you when you leave for the showing. A barking dog is a big distraction to potential buyers. And trust me, that cat you say not to let out will get out!
If you happen to have someone knock on your door to see the house do not let them in without an appointment and/or if they are not escorted by an agent. Also refer any questions a potential buyer or their agent has to your agent. You could inadvertently disclose too much about your situation. You don’t ever want a buyer to think you are desperate to sell. Your agent’s job is to protect you and get you the best deal. If your agent is doing their job they will have the information a potential buyer would need and will be able to provide it to a buyer’s agent without weakening your position. Remember that no matter how nice the other agent or their buyers are that their goal is to get the best deal for the buyer.
Finally, now you must leave! I know you think you know your home better than anyone and of course you do. However, all of the helpful information you want to share with the buyer will not sell your home. Buyers will feel uncomfortable and stay much less time than they would if you are not there. They will also spend their time talking to you and not really looking at the house. They will not open closets or notice all of the details they need to see. After all the goal of this is for the house to be someone else’s now and you being there doesn’t allow them to see the home as potentially theirs.